China Court Ruled in Favor of A Gay Man in The First Gay Conversion Therapy Case
- 关键词:同性恋、扭转治疗、心理咨询中心、百度
- Keywords: gay, conversion therapy, phychological counselling center, Baidu
- 2013年8月,同性恋者小振在百度搜索中输入“同性恋”、“同性恋治疗”、“同性恋矫正”等关键词,第一条搜索结果均是心语飘香官方网站的链接,由百度推广提供,链接文字写着“专业矫正同性恋”。——财新
In August 2013, using Baidu, China’s leading search engine, Xiaozhen found advertimement of a clinic Xinyu Piaoxiang which alleged they’re “professional” in curing homesexuality.
- 2014年2月,小振在家庭压力下,前往重庆心语飘香进行了咨询与治疗。心语飘香心理咨询师姜开成接待了小振,并为其进行浅度催眠和电击。
- In February 2014, Xiao went in for treatment after he found the counseling center. According to Xiao, the one-hour therapy session included hypnosis and electric shock treatment.
法律程序|Legal Process
- 2014年3月小振向北京海淀法院递交诉状,状告心语飘香、百度发布虚假广告、侵犯其人身权益。
- In March 2014, Xiaozhen brought the case against the Xinyu Piaoxiang clinic that gave him electric shocks as a part of gay conversion therapy. He also seeked an apology from China’s Internet search engine Baidu for running advertisements for the facility.
- 5月13日,海淀区法院对小振的诉讼正式立案。这一案件成为了具有象征意义的一案——中国首例“同性恋矫正治疗”案。
On 15 May 2014, the Haidian District People’s Court in Beijing accepts his case. This is the first lawsuit of ‘gay conversion therapy’ in the China.
- 2014年7月31日,国内首例关于同性恋扭转治疗的虚假广告案在北京海淀区法院中关村法庭开庭审理。
On 31 July 2014, the Haidian District People’s Court in Beijing heard this case.
- 2014年12月19日,北京市海淀区人民法院判决给原告实施电击“治疗”的重庆“心语飘香心理咨询中心”公开道歉并赔偿经济损失,并要求百度删除该广告。判决书显示,“同性恋并非精神疾病,心语中心承诺可以进行治疗亦属虚假宣传。”京华时报《我国首例电击治同性恋案宣判
- On 19 December 2014, stating that homosexuality is not a mental illness, the Haidian District People’s Court ordered the Xinyupiaoxiang Counseling Center in the southwestern city of Chongqing to pay 3,400 renminbi, or $560, for costs incurred by the plaintiff, Yang Teng. It also ordered Baidu which was also named in the lawsuit, to remove the advertisement that Mr. Yang said led him to the clinic.Chinese Court Sides With Gay Man in ‘Conversion’ Suit - The New York Times
相关报道|Media Coverage and Comments
- 同性恋者诉百度矫治广告侵权 法院立案 - 财新
- 同性恋者诉百度矫治广告侵权案开庭 - 财新
- 首例“矫正同性恋”案在京审理,诊所被指有“三大罪状” - 澎湃
- 电击“治疗”同性恋被判公开道歉 - 北青网
- 专访首例“同性恋矫正案”胜诉者:我们要的不是同情 - 凤凰
- 同性恋者获赔偿 - 北京晚报
- 中国首例同性恋矫正案宣判 原告胜诉 - 澎湃
- Clinic, Baidu on trial over gay ‘conversion’ in landmark case - Global Times
- China court accepts ‘gay conversion therapy’ case - BBC News
- China Court to Hear First Gay Conversion Therapy Case - The Atlantic
- Chinese man sues clinic for gay conversion therapy, web giant Baidu for advertising it - Fox News
- Chinese Man Sues After Getting Electroshock Therapy to ‘Cure’ Homosexuality - Newsweek
- Chinese Court Sides With Gay Man in ‘Conversion’ Suit - The New York Times
- Gay man sues China’s largest search engine for promoting conversion therapy - ILGA
- Court orders apology for gay cure scam - China - Chinadaily.com.cn