案例列举 Important Cases
同性恋扭转治疗第一案 China Court Ruled in Favor of A Gay Man in The First Gay Conversion Therapy Case
- 关键词:同性恋,扭转治疗,心理咨询中心,百度
- 案由:侵犯身体权、健康权和一般人格权民事诉讼
- 结果:胜诉,2014年12月19日
- Keywords: gay, conversion therapy, phychological counselling center, Baidu
- Cause of Action: Infringement of the right of health body and the general right of personality
- Result: won on 19 December 2014
性倾向就业歧视第一案 First Case of Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation in Workplace
- 关键词:同性恋,就业歧视
- 案由:劳动争议
- 结果:败诉,2015年2月27日
- Keywords: gay, discrimination, workplace
- Cause of Action:labor dispute
- Result:lost on 27 Feburary 2015
同性电影下架导演诉广电总局 Gay Director Sued the Censors Who banned his film
- 关键词:同性恋,电影,广电总局
- 案由:信息公开行政诉讼
- 结果:胜诉,2015年12月22日
- Keywords:gay, film, censorship
- Cause of Action:administrative litigation because of information disclosure
- Result:won on 22 December 2015
教材同性恋污名化秋白诉教育部 Administrative Case against National Educational Department for Homophobia Textbook
- 关键词:同性恋,污名化教材,教育部
- 案由:行政复议行政诉讼
- 结果:败诉,2017年3月2日
驻马店扭转治疗人身自由权案 Gay Man Sued Hospital Offering Conversion Therapy for Restricting Personal Freedom
- 关键词:人身自由,同性恋、驻马店市精神病医院
- 案由:人身自由权纠纷
- 结果:胜诉,2017年6月26日
- 关键词:同性恋,同性婚姻,婚姻登记,行政诉讼
- 案由:登记行政行为行政诉讼
- 结果:败诉,2016年4月13日
C先生跨性别就业歧视案 Civil Lawsuit against Employer Discriminating against Transgender
- 关键词:跨性别,就业歧视
- 案由:劳动争议和一般人格权纠纷
- 结果:胜诉,2018年2月4日
广电总局《网络视听节目内容审核通则》案 Administrative Lawsuit about Guidelines Considering Gay Contents as Obscenity
- 关键词:同性恋、广电总局,信息公开,行政诉讼
- 案由:信息公开及行政复议行政诉讼
- 结果:败诉,2019年4月3日
污名化教材京东及出版社产品质量纠纷 Civil Case against Press and E-commerce Platform for Homophobia Books
- 关键词:同性恋,污名化教材、暨南大学出版社、京东
- 案由:产品责任纠纷
- 结果:进行中
同志教师劳动权及就业平等权案 Gay teacher sues employer after getting fired for sexual orientation
- 关键词:同志教师、就业歧视、
- 案由:劳动争议和平等就业权纠纷
- 结果:进行中
- Keywords:gay, teacher, discrimination, workplace
- Cause of Action:labor dispute and dispute over equal rights of employment
- Result:in process
研究 Researches
刘明珂: 《中国同志影响性诉讼倡导手册》 LIU, Mingke, Handbook of LGBTQ+ Impact Litigation in Mainland China (Chinese)
This is a handbook written and edited by an activist from Common Language who participated in the litigation in person and colleted plenty of first-hand materials by interviewing lawyers, clients and other activists. It is a valuable handbook for both researchers and activists.
This is an article written by a foreign law student